Toll Collection

I-4 Express is a limited-access toll road within the interstate. It offers drivers another choice for a reliable trip and to avoid congestion. The rate for I-4 Express could be as low as 50 cents per segment, depending on your destination. I-4 Express will utilize dynamic tolling – a proven approach to maintaining reliable travel times as usage of I-4 Express increases. The posted toll on I-4 Express will be adjusted throughout the day as needed, by travel segment, with the goal of keeping vehicles moving to maintain a reliable trip. As more vehicles enter a segment of I-4 Express, the toll amount for that segment will increase, or if less vehicles are realized, the toll amount will decrease. Since tolls are collected electronically, drivers must have a SunPass or other Florida-accepted transponder including: Peach Pass, LeeWay, NC Quick Pass, E-ZPass, E-PASS, PIKEPASS, KTAG, and TollTag. Others may be added in the future. There is no cash or TOLL-BY-PLATE option.

Please see Dynamic Tolling on I-4 Express for additional information.

Quick Links: Reading the Signs | Only Pay for the Distance You Drive | All Electronic Toll Collection | Allowed Vehicles

Do not add the amounts on the signs. In this example, traveling to Maitland costs 50 cents and traveling to Central Parkway costs $1, not $1.50.

Reading the Signs

Recognizing and understanding I-4 Express signage is important. Watch our video to get familiar with the signs of I-4 Express. When multiple destinations with prices are shown on signs, don’t add the amounts together. The toll amounts shown indicate the total cost to travel from your current location to the listed destination(s). Additional electronic signs will display toll rates well in advance of I-4 Express exits so you can choose to pay additional tolls to continue your drive or exit to the non-tolled general use lanes.  

Only Pay for the Distance You Drive

Toll rates for I-4 Express are displayed on overhead signs located regularly along the length of the managed lanes. You’ll see pricing signs well in advance of exits to the general use lanes to help you decide whether to exit I-4 Express or continue your trip. As demand for access to I-4 Express increases, the toll will also increase. This discourages additional motorists from entering the lanes, keeping them flowing. When fewer vehicles are using the lanes, the toll will decrease, encouraging more drivers to use I-4 Express. While the toll will change, drivers will never pay more than the amount shown on the electronic signs.  

All Electronic Toll Collection

All tolls on I-4 Express are collected electronically so motorists must have a transponder to use I-4 Express. There is no cash or TOLL-BY-PLATE option. A $25 toll violation plus the cost of tolls will be imposed on drivers who don’t have an interoperable transponder. Since electronic tolls are collected at highway speed, there is no need to slow down when driving under an overhead gantry. SunPass is the official transponder of I-4 Express, but drivers have other options. Several interoperable transponders are accepted: E-PASS, E-ZPass, LeeWay, NC Quick Pass, Peach Pass, PIKEPASS, KTAG, and TollTag.  

Allowed Vehicles

Any two-axle vehicle equipped with an active, properly mounted SunPass or other Florida-accepted transponder can use I-4 Express. Trucks with three or more axles, and passenger vehicles pulling trailers or boats are not allowed. Pre-registered vanpools and buses are allowed to use I-4 Express for free. For more information on registering vanpools and buses, visit