Common Questions
- Vehicle crashes have decreased 42% since the express lanes opened.
In addition to the benefits for express lane users, travel times have improved in the general use lanes. The average motorist saves 4 or more minutes on their trip — adding up to 2 hours a month for a regular commuter.
Travel speeds in the general use lanes have increased by 5 mph on average in the morning and 8 mph on average in the afternoon.
- Lane-blocking incidents on I-4 have dropped 58% since the opening of I-4 Express.
About I-4 Express
Using I-4 Express
I-4 Express Tolling
Tolls are collected electronically via any of the nine Florida-accepted transponders: SunPass, Peach Pass, LeeWay, NC Quick Pass, E-ZPass, E-PASS, PIKEPASS, KTAG and TollTag. Others may be added in the future. There is no cash or TOLL-BY-PLATE option.
Tolls are not fixed; they vary based on traffic conditions in I-4 Express. Overhead signs guide motorists in and out of access points and display the current toll.
Drivers should review the signs before entering I-4 Express and during their trip to help decide whether to exit or to continue on I-4 Express. Drivers will never be charged more than the toll that was shown on the sign when they passed it. If the toll changes after passing the sign, drivers will pay the lower amount.
Per Florida Statute, if a customer's average travel speed for a trip in an express lane falls below 40 miles per hour, the customer will be charged the minimum express lane toll.
There are multiple decision points along the 21 miles of I-4 Express. Motorists in the managed lanes will only pay for the portions of I-4 Express they drive. Before each entrance, you’ll see two overhead signs displaying the current tolls for up to three destinations. Don’t see your exit? It might fall between the exits listed on the sign or you might see it on another overhead sign later during your trip. On I-4 Express, the first two destinations listed on the pricing sign are the most popular destinations from your entry point. The third destination is the farthest distance you can travel on the lanes from your entry point.
I-4 Express Safety
Dynamic Tolling
Dynamic tolling is a proven approach to maintaining reliable travel times as usage of I-4 Express increases. The posted toll on I-4 Express will be adjusted throughout the day as needed, by travel segment, with the goal of keeping vehicles moving to maintain a reliable trip. As more vehicles enter a segment of I-4 Express, the toll for that segment will increase. Dynamic tolling helps prevent congestion and maintain reliable travel times for motorists.
Per Florida Statute, if a customer's average travel speed for a trip in an express lane falls below 40 miles per hour, the customer will be charged the minimum express lane toll.
Please see Dynamic Tolling on I-4 Express for additional information.
I-4 Express was designed to operate with dynamic tolling, which helps prevent congestion and maintain reliable travel times for motorists. Dynamic tolling has been implemented successfully to maintain target speeds on other managed lanes in Florida.
With dynamic tolling, the posted tolls on I-4 Express will be adjusted throughout the day as needed, by travel segment, with the goal of keeping vehicles moving to maintain a reliable trip. As more vehicles enter a segment of I-4 Express, the toll for that segment will increase. Motorists on I-4 Express will continue to pay only for the distance they drive.
Overhead electronic signs will display the current toll for each segment. Drivers should review the signs before entering I-4 Express and during their trip to help decide whether to exit or to continue on I-4 Express. Drivers will never be charged more than the toll that was shown on the sign when they passed it.
Overhead electronic signs will display the current toll for each segment. Drivers should review the signs before entering I-4 Express and during their trip to help decide whether to exit or to continue on I-4 Express.
Travel data indicate tolls are not expected to rise significantly upon transitioning to dynamic tolling. Drivers are most likely to see a small increase on the busiest segments near downtown Orlando during peak hours of 6-9 a.m. and 3-7 p.m. weekdays.
Using I-4 Express is always optional, and drivers can choose from other free general-use lanes or alternative routes to reach their destination.
Overhead electronic signs will display the current toll for each segment. The toll shown for a given destination is the total amount drivers will pay for that destination. Drivers should review the signs before entering I-4 Express and during their trip to help decide whether to exit or to continue on I-4 Express. Drivers will never be charged more than the toll that was shown on the sign when they passed it. If the toll changes after passing the sign, drivers will pay the lower amount.
Per Florida Statute, if a customer's average travel speed for a trip in an express lane falls below 40 miles per hour, the customer will be charged the minimum express lane toll.
The maximum amount is capped at $3 per segment, but based on traffic data, tolls are not expected to rise significantly upon transitioning to dynamic tolling. The toll for each segment of I-4 Express will increase or decrease at 15-minute intervals based on the traffic volume in that segment. Tolls will be based solely on the amount of traffic in the express lanes.